Project commissioned by the State of Florida, Pasco County Sheriff’s Office, Florida’s Forensic Institute (FIRST), United Abolitionists and Unity Films US.
This video is one in a series of training videos to heighten awareness on human trafficking and help save lives.
Content focuses on labor and adult sex trafficking.
If you experience or observe potential human trafficking, please call 911 and the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 888-373-7888.
Your call could help save someone trapped in modern-day slavery.
Please note – this project is password protected for now due to it’s current usage in State of Florida Human Trafficking Awareness training programs.
CATEGORY | Educational and PSAs
TITLE | Human Trafficking 101A – Sophia: Adult
Sex Trafficking
GENRE | Drama, Educational
RUNTIME | 6 minutes
DIRECTED BY | Leonela Alvarez
WRITTEN BY | Leonela Alvarez
PRODUCED BY | Jeff Williams
MAIN CAST | Leonela Alvarez, Hevert Gamboa & Alan Wilkett
Available Soon!